PODCAST: Why IT Matters: A Revolution in Small Steps with Rubin Singh
Check out this recent episode of Why IT Matters with OneTenth Consulting Founder and CEO, Rubin Singh. Hosts Tim Lockie and Rev. Tracy Kronzak lead an engaging conversation on how the path towards culture change in IT begins with integrity, authenticity, and small steps.
PODCAST: Nonprofit Radio - CRM Selection with Tony Martignetti & Rubin Singh
As part of Nonprofit Radio’s continuing coverage of #21NTC, Tony Martignetti invites OneTenth Consulting Founder & CEO Rubin Singh to discuss CRM selection. This conversation focuses on what matters in CRM selection, how to avoid serious missteps, and uncovering hidden problems beyond your CRM database.
PODCAST: "Nonprofit CRM Adoption Planning" with Responsive Fundraising
Listen in on an enlightening conversation with OneTenth CEO Rubin Singh and Noah Barnett of Virtuous CRM on what makes CRM successful for nonprofits, beyond the technology.
PODCAST: "Don't Get Played..." On Nonprofit Radio!
In case you missed it…check out the recording of Tony Martignetti’s podcast, Nonprofit Radio, featuring OneTenth Consulting CEO Rubin Singh as they discuss how to make the most of technology demos: