Operation Walk Maryland - Strategy & CRM


Operation Walk Maryland in a nonprofit whose mission is to provide free joint replacement surgeries to those without access and to educate local health care providers to enhance the delivery of orthopedic care. Operation Walk Maryland achieves this through medical missions where healthcare professionals and volunteers treat those suffering from disabling arthritis and other debilitating bone and joint conditions. These missions are made possible through generous donations from individual and corporate supporters.

Operation Walk has been transforming lives for over ten years and is now looking to expand its impact through more frequent trips and educational programs.



In preparation for this organizational shift, the Operation Walk Maryland team reached out to OneTenth Consulting to facilitate a strategic planning workshop. The workshop consisted of:

  • Re-visiting Operation Walk Maryland’s mission, vision, and core values

  • SWOT Analysis

  • Defining Operation Walk Maryland’s Theory of Change

  • Strategic Planning and Goal-Setting

  • Resource Planning

  • Technology Planning


As part of the technology strategy, Operation Walk selected NeonCRM as its CRM platform for constituent management, donation tracking, and event registrations. They had outgrown their Blackbaud eTapestry solution and was looking to move to a more affordable all-in-one solution that was intuitive and required minimal overhead. Operation Walk retained OneTenth to lead the implementation of NeonCRM, which consisted of:

  • Onboarding and configuring the NeonCRM platform

  • Migrating relevant data from eTapestry

  • Training and change management

  • Post-deployment administrative services (configuring forms, sending email blasts, data management, etc.)

One of the key reasons for moving to NeonCRM is to take advantage of its integrations with ClickBid (for Auctions) and Rallybound (for Peer-To-Peer), both of which are part of Operation Walk’s fundraising roadmap.



In the coming year, OneTenth and Operation Walk will partner together to…

  • Map their business strategy to a fundraising strategy, identifying all the fundraising streams and channels required to support Operation Walk’s work i.e. grants, major gifts, online giving, offline giving, sponsorships, workplace giving, etc.

  • Extend and enhance the Neon system to support Operation Walk’s evolving processes. This may include using Neon’s Volunteer and/or Project Management capabilities to support programmatic efforts

  • Continue to refine business processes and data governance practices to ensure the data in Neon is accurate, trustworthy, and providing meaningful insights.

“Working with OneTenth Consulting enabled us to bring our ideas together and develop a coherent plan that matched our mission and the priorities of our board. The strategic session was invaluable. We have been managing to get by for a number of years, but the formalized workshop and strategy for implementation has really helped us to deliver our goals. The CRM platform we added proved to be very valuable, it was an asset for our year-end donations. I feel the work we did with OneTenth Consulting will help us get to the next level” - Paul Khanuja, Co-founder Operation Walk Maryland

“We are humbled by the impactful work Operation Walk Maryland has accomplished over the years with their amazing team of volunteers. By providing much-needed joint replacements and education in some of the most vulnerable parts of the world, they are not only transforming lives, but they are also transforming communities. We feel very fortunate to play a small part in moving their mission forward and look forward to our continued partnership” - Rubin Singh, OneTenth Founder & CEO


To support Operation Walk Maryland’s work, please consider making a donation

OneTenth Consulting has a full range of services exclusively for nonprofits - from fundraising strategy to CRM selection, to CRM implementation and change management.  OneTenth empowers nonprofits by aligning their organizational, fundraising, and technology strategies - providing the tools and insight they need to meet their goals and achieve their mission.  Check out OneTenth’s services and schedule a “no pressure” phone consultation today!


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