[Webinar Recording] Don't Get Played By The Product Demo #NTC20

Unfortunately, this year’s NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference was canceled, but in the spirit of NTEN’s mission, “facilitating community skill and resource sharing”, we’d like to post a recording of our planned session on-line. We hope you find it useful and feel free to send us over any questions, feedback, or schedule a call to discuss. To access our free pre-recorded webinar, click here!


Ever wonder why the application you ended up with doesn’t look anything like the sales demo? What the salesperson showed with ease and grace now seems clunky and cumbersome? Do you feel you like you were sold a Tesla but ended up with a Yugo? This session will cover all the “tricks of the trade” from someone whose led hundreds of sales demos. We’ll explore ways to prepare for the demo, review the “tough” questions to ask, and give participants all the tools they need to ensure the demo is giving you the answers you REALLY need!


Fundraising In Uncertain Times


Partnership Announcement