WEBINAR: CRM Capabilities + User Facing Tools: MilkCrate and OneTenth Consulting
Check out our video of Morgan Berman, CEO of MilkCrate and Rubin Singh, CEO of OneTenth Consulting discussing how nonprofits are using CRM and the use of third-party apps to extend CRM’s capabilities.
[Webinar Recording] High-Touch Fundraising In Salesforce
Looking for a CRM to support your high-touch fundraising program? Wondering if Salesforce is the right fit for your nonprofit? Check out our free webinar and watch a live demo of high-touch fundraising features in Salesforce's Nonprofit Success Pack. We also share insights of "what's worked" with our customers and answered questions from attendees!
3 Change Management Rules To Live By When Implementing Nonprofit CRM
Months would pass and organizations would still struggle adapting to the new system. Frustrated users would retreat to their old ways of doing things for certain tasks or just abandon the CRM application altogether. So what went wrong? And how can it be avoided?
[Webinar Recording] Finding The Right Solution For Your Nonprofit
Is your nonprofit considering a donor management system or CRM? Not sure where to start or need some advice? Check out our webinar to learn about options available for nonprofits - including reviews on some of our favorite CRMs! We also discussed best practices and "things to consider" before embarking on a CRM implementation. If you're at the beginning stages of your CRM journey, this webinar is for you!
Congratulations, You’ve Gone Live! Now What?
After hundreds of CRM implementations, there’s one thing I’m sure of - the success of your rollout heavily depends on how well you prepare for post-go-live.
CRM And The "Big Bang"
So if all agree, why is that so many organizations still implement CRM in a ‘big bang’ approach...yet somehow expect a different result?
Feature Spotlight: Grant Management in Salesforce's Nonprofit Success Pack
Salesforce.org, in their effort to support larger and more mature nonprofits have built a robust Grant Management feature that includes all the “must-haves” to get your grant program up and running, with the ability to scale through configuration and customization.
Is Your Fundraising CRM A Restaurant Kitchen?
Throughout this cycle, there may be many players, perhaps a team of resources at your organization that play a critical role in each step of the way. The process is dynamic and collaborative, like a restaurant kitchen, and this is where spreadsheets fall short.
High-Touch Fundraising in Salesforce's NPSP
So as a major gift officer, if I’m trying to meet my year-end fundraising goals of securing 5 new $25,000 gifts, what tools does NPSP offer me to support my efforts?
It's All About Relationships!
Although technology can’t replace relationships, CRM can do wonders in tracking those relationships and ensure you’re making the most of them!
Feature Spotlight: NeonCRM's Custom Objects
Where most CRMs have certain modules that come standard (constituent management, donations, activities, events, volunteers, etc.), custom objects allow you to support the unique needs of your nonprofit.
What's In A Name?
A few years ago, I was facilitating a design session for a CRM implementation at a mid-sized nonprofit. At one point, I asked the project team to give me examples of the type of constituents they track. Their response caught me off guard.