Case Studies

Firelight Media - Fundraising and Program Management With Salesforce

Achieving this vision at scale requires a robust technical infrastructure that supports both internal staff and program participants. In early 2022, Firelight Media selected OneTenth as their Salesforce implementation partner to not only lay the foundation of CRM for the organization, but also provide training, guidance, and nonprofit best practices – setting Firelight Media  up for long-term success.

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The Coalition for Rainforest Nations - Fundraising & Grant Management With Salesforce

CfRN achieves their vision through policy support, training & capacity building, and direct finance. In order to achieve this ambitious vision at scale, CfRN needed to modernize its technology infrastructure, laying the foundation for digital transformation

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Case Study, Grants Management, Salesforce Rubin Singh Case Study, Grants Management, Salesforce Rubin Singh

The Clubhouse Network - Fundraising & Grants Management With Salesforce

The Clubhouse outgrew the features and functionality LGL could offer and wanted to ensure staff had access to cutting edge tools to support relationship building, fundraising efforts, and the grants management lifecycle. It became imperative to transition off of LGL and consolidate into one centralized database. By doing so, the organization would have one 360-degree view of their constituents, creating more opportunities for synergy between programs and development.

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Case Study, Salesforce, Grants Management Rubin Singh Case Study, Salesforce, Grants Management Rubin Singh

New Commonwealth Fund - Grants Management With Salesforce

A priority for the NCF was to establish a scalable technology platform that would facilitate fundraising activities and the grant lifecycle. It would also provide visibility to available funding programs and allow potential grantees to request funding, track their application status, and manage disbursements.

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